Ethnographic Case Study Differences Between Catholics

2 min readJan 11, 2021

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  • While ethnography is an art of describing a group or culture. case study is an in depth analysis of a particular instance. event. individual. or a group • Ethnography requires participant observation as a data collection method whereas it is not necessary in a case study. • Case study is outward looking while ethnography is inward looking
  • The central difference between ethnography and case study lies in the study’s intention. Ethnography is inward looking. aiming to uncover the tacit knowledge of culture participants. Case study is outward looking. aiming to delineate the nature of phenomena through detailed investigation of individual cases and their contexts.
  • This article reviews several differences between case study and ethnography in terms of definitions. characteristics. strengths and limitations. It provides current information by comparing these . . .
  • The main difference between case study and ethnography lies in their intent and focus; case studies intend to uncover the tacit knowledge of culture participants whereas ethnographic studies intend to describe the nature of phenomena through detailed investigations of individual cases.
  • The central difference between ethnography and case study lies in the study’s intention. Ethnography is inward looking. aiming to uncover the tacit knowledge of culture participants. Case study is outward looking. aiming to delineate the nature of phenomena through detailed investigation of individual cases and their contexts.
  • Ethnography Versus Case Study Positioning Research and Researchers Julie White LA TROBE UNIVERSITY. MELBOURNE Sarah Drew THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Trevor Hay THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE ABSTRACT In this paper we narrate a story of working on a large project funded by an Australian Research Council Linkage grant — the ‘Keeping Connected: Young …
  • Dear all. I’m doing a compare and contrast and the advantages and disadvantages of Case Study and Ethnography research. . . . Identity studies. yet due to their sharing collection and analysis techniques it can be difficult to discern the differences between them. The researcher faces trade-offs in depth and breath in either case. and as Mill highlights. deep research should not be assumed to . . .
  • If I can posit the differences so far between case studies and ethnography. it would come down to politics. purpose. research period. the output and at a stretch where the researcher is positioned. Case Studies were most used in Identity Studies. and do seem more outward looking. and interested in the inquiry of ‘a phenomena’ with a bounded system called the case. They can be descriptive . . .
  • Tive approach or a single case study because ethnography is a much broader picture of the culture. Then when comparing a narrative study and a single case to study a single individual. we feel that the narrative approach is seen as more appropriate because narrative studies . tend. to focus on a single individual whereas case studies often involve more than one case. The process of developing . . .

